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A smart, independent sassy young woman...

A smart, independent sassy young woman walks into a bar. She asks for a drink, and her eye is caught by the good-looking chap sitting at the end. He smiles and comes to join her. They talk and she finds him attractive. While she’s distracted, he drops a pill into her drink. They go back to his house and she is unable to say no due to the drug.

A smart, independent sassy young woman walks into a bar. Her eye is immediately caught by the brooding alpha male in the corner. Unknown to her he is a shape-shifter. They talk, his pheromones begin to work on her, they go back to his house and she is unable to say no due to his pheromones.

In one of these scenarios, the smart, independent sassy young woman’s brains have obviously been rodded out by the alpha male, as all she is capable of doing when she finds out, is rubbing her knees together and going “Ooo, was that really him?” The other scenario is called date rape. In reality the woman would no doubt feel ashamed, despite it not being her fault, unsure of herself, and angry.

It’s a shame that so many books are written like this and that so many smart, independent sassy young women read them. I’m all for fantasy but let’s have more reality in there. It’s far more fun to have the woman get angry and go after him with a castrating knife.

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